
Here you can find Nordic groups and activities close to Kansas City. Spread the love and get to know and enjoy Nordic culture.


Red titles are links.

VASA Facklan Lodge 248
Contact Kenna Bassett at (913) -236-5963 or e-mail

Sons of Norway Lodge
Lodge: Maihaugen 1-665: The mission of Sons of Norway is to promote and to preserve the heritage and culture of Norway, to celebrate our relationship with other Nordic Countries, and provide quality insurance and financial products to our members.
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Scandinavian Women’s Society of Kansas City
We are people excited to learn of and further Scandinavian culture and tradition through educational and social programs! Join us at our events and explore all of the wonderful Scandinavian resources in Kansas City and beyond! We have the only Jul Marknad in the area in mid-November.

Ethnic Enrichment Commission
The commission manages the Ethnic Enrichment Festival every August in Swope Park and the Diplomatic Ball in April.

The Scandinavian Folk Dancers of Kansas City
Traditional Scandinavian dancing! All skill levels, ages, and ancestries welcome, including children with a responsible adult. Partners not necessary.
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Ingevalds Spelmän band
Ingevalds Spelmän is a Scandinavian dance band in Lawrence, Kansas.

Scandinavian Place
An array of gifts from Scandinavia and other countries.

Lindsborg, Kansas
Lindsborg "Little Sweden" was settled in 1869 by Swedish immigrants from the Värmland province of Sweden. Today, thirty percent of the population is of Swedish heritage. It is known for several festivals including Svensk Hyllningsfest, Millfest, Midsommar and more. It has several historic buildings built by Swedish settlers in the 19th century and Coronado Heights is a few miles away.
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Decorah, Iowa
Decorah is a center for Norwegian-American culture since the 1850s and the home of Luther College, a liberal arts institution. Each July Decorah hosts the Nordic Fest and it’s the home of the Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum.

Elkhorn and Kimballton, Iowa Danish Villages
The Danish Villages of Elk Horn and Kimballton, Iowa are the two largest rural Danish settlements in the United States. The Villages boast an authentic Danish Windmill, the Museum of Danish America, and a sculpture of the Little Mermaid.

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